Health and safety

We understand the importance of health and safety and we make sure to stay on top of developments within this essential area at all times, taking a proactive approach that ensures we operate responsibly on site.

Making safety a priority

We have reviewed all our operating procedures and have made sure that all our working practices are in line with the guidance issued by Public Health England and the Construction Leadership Council. As a team, we regularly review these policies to make sure that we are taking a responsible and proactive approach to health and safety that is in the best interest of our customers and employees.

Talk to a member of our team

If you would like to find out more about our approach to health and safety, get in touch with a member of our team. You can call us on 01342 618 618 or you can email We are always happy to answer any questions.


We manage our health and safety policies in house to ensure that we are on top of the details as a team. Rather than outsourcing this area to an external consultant, we take the time to focus on the issues ourselves so that our policies genuinely reflect our approach and understanding of this essential area. This involves a time commitment on our part, but we believe that it’s a worthwhile one as it prevents health and safety from becoming an afterthought.


Operating honestly

As part of our commitment to health and safety, we make sure that all our customers receive clear and easy to follow documentation that outlines our approach. We supply a welcome pack to each new customer that contains our code of conduct and site operating procedures, making sure that our approach is clear from the moment you start working with us. It’s all part of our commitment to honest, direct communication with our customers.

Contact Intercraft

Let’s take your project to the next level. Call 01342 618 618 or email to find out more about our services. We are always happy to answer any questions.